Professional services and B2B SaaS marketing leaders are grappling with a brutal new reality: Their carefully crafted thought leadership just isn’t working like it used to.
Marketing a professional services firm used to be fairly straightforward. Build expertise, publish search-optimized content, let prospects find you. Those days are officially over.
AI-enabled search engines and response summaries are changing the inbound game. The numbers tell us just how much of an impact they’re already having. Firms with large inventories of search-indexable content that has historically generated a reliable stream of long-tail search visitors are seeing traffic declines as large as 20%.
Your prospects are still seeking the expertise of professional services firms via search queries. And they’re still finding answers to their questions — but without directly connecting to the firms that supply them.
To combat this, you need to give potential clients a compelling reason not just to seek out your firm’s expertise, but to specifically seek out your firm.
One powerful way to do this is by crafting a compelling and research-driven branded content experience.
Understanding Branded Content Experiences
A branded content experience is a unique, research-driven approach to thought leadership that goes beyond traditional white papers or blog posts. It’s a comprehensive, ongoing initiative that positions your firm as the go-to source for insights on a specific business issue, quarter over quarter and year over year.
Key Characteristics of Branded Content Experiences
To truly drive engagement, a branded content experience needs to be:
- Memorable and unique: Your goal in developing a branded content experience is to become the go-to resource on a particularly resonant issue within your industry. The content you develop should be one-of-a-kind, focused on a narrow but highly relevant topic, and clearly branded.
- Built on primary research: Basing your branded content experience on primary research allows you to uncover fresh new insights and stake out valuable mindshare in the market. Look for opportunities to develop proprietary research methodologies, or unique approaches to data collection and analysis that yield exclusive insights.
- Clearly connected to your services: Your branded content experience should align closely with your organization’s core competencies and service offerings.
- Published on a regular cadence: Whether annual, bi-annual, or quarterly, your branded content experience should be published at a consistent clip to build anticipation and allow for trend analysis over time. Each release should build on previous ones, encouraging prospects to return regularly for updates and new insights.
- Structured in a repeatable, shareable format: The format you select should be media-friendly. That is, it should be designed to generate easily shareable insights and data points for media coverage and social engagement.
Combining these elements transforms a branded content experience into more than just another piece of thought leadership. It becomes a valuable resource that raises brand awareness as clients, media, and industry experts look forward to and rely upon each new release.
Benefits of Branded Content Experiences
Conceptually, most firm leaders understand the value of investing in ongoing research, as well as the branded content experiences research can enable. But they struggle with the decision to commit the resources — time, money, and fortitude — necessary to bring one to life.
A close look at the benefits should shore up your resolve. Implementing a branded content experience offers several significant advantages that together represent a multifaceted return on investment.
Deepening Expertise
Put simply, investing in ongoing primary research will make your team smarter and your expertise sharper. It also sets you up to have deeper expertise and a more informed perspective than your competitors.
Establishing Thought Leadership
Consistently producing original research and insights on a specific business issue positions your firm as the leading voice in that area. That elevated status helps attract clients who are seeking true expertise and innovative thinking.
Combating Declining Inbound Performance
As traditional inbound marketing tactics become less effective, branded content experiences provide a direct line to potential clients. Creating something unique and valuable gives prospects a reason to seek out your firm specifically, rather than relying on general search results.
Building Anticipation and Engagement
Regular releases of branded content create a sense of anticipation among clients and media. This ongoing engagement keeps your firm top-of-mind and encourages repeated interactions with your firm.
Enabling Trend Analysis
The consistent format and regular schedule of branded content experiences allow for tracking trends over time. This longitudinal data becomes increasingly valuable with each release, providing unique insights that can’t be replicated elsewhere.
Differentiating Your Firm
In a crowded marketplace, a well-executed branded content experience sets your firm apart. It demonstrates your commitment to deep, ongoing research and your ability to provide can’t-miss, proprietary insights your prospects can’t find elsewhere.
Overcoming Implementation Challenges
While the benefits of branded content experiences are clear, implementing them successfully can be challenging. Before committing to a branded content experience, consider how you’ll overcome the following common obstacles.
Allocating Resources
Developing a high-quality branded content experience demands significant time, money, and personnel. To justify this investment, focus on the long-term benefits: increased visibility, thought leadership positioning, and potential for attracting high-value clients.
Committing for the Long Haul
The true value of these experiences emerges over time, as trends become apparent and your firm becomes associated with exclusive and highly valuable insights. Set realistic expectations for ROI and prepare for a multi-year commitment to see the full benefits.
Ensuring Research Quality and Relevance
The credibility of your branded content experience hinges on the quality of your research. Invest in robust methodologies and partner with respected academic or research institutions if necessary to enhance credibility.
Building Audience and Media Relationships
Cultivating an audience and media interest takes time. Start by utilizing your existing client base and industry connections. Gradually expand your reach as you build a track record of valuable insights.
Integrating with Your Overall Marketing Strategy
Your branded content experience shouldn’t exist in isolation. Develop a plan to integrate its insights and data points across your marketing channels, from social media to sales presentations.
5 Examples of Successful Branded Content Experiences
Still looking for inspiration? Check out these five world-class examples of branded content experiences, which some of the biggest names in the industry have used to establish themselves as thought leaders.
1. The Middle Market Indicator (MMI)
Published twice a year by The National Center for the Middle Market, the MMI gauges growth, confidence, and investment activity in middle market companies. Over 12+ years, it has become the leading barometer for understanding the health of the U.S. middle market. The MMI has earned mentions in publications like HBR, WSJ, Fortune, and Forbes, cementing the Center’s position as the leading voice of the middle market.
2. The Tercera 30
Now in its third year, this annual research release from Tercera features the 30 leading software companies for building a partner-based IT services business. By consistently growing visibility year-over-year, it has helped Tercera become known for its focus on investing in IT services businesses.
3. The Future 50
Published annually since 2017 by BCG and Fortune, the Future 50 highlights 50 global companies with the greatest potential for future growth. Drawn from a list of over 3000 companies, this report positions BCG as a partner in helping organizations drive long-term growth and value creation.
4. Edelman Trust Barometer
For 25 years, Edelman has published its annual Trust Barometer report examining trust in societal institutions, including NGOs, business, government, and media. Tracking these trends over time has positioned Edelman as a key advisor on trust-related issues for organizations across sectors.
5. Gallup State of the Global Workplace
This indispensable report looks at employee engagement, stress, well-being, loneliness, and intent to leave over time. It has established Gallup as the de facto expert on employee engagement. It’s also positioned their methodology as the best way to measure and improve these critical workplace factors.
Embracing the Future of Thought Leadership
As traditional inbound marketing results atrophy, professional services firms must find new ways to demonstrate their expertise and attract clients. Branded content experiences offer a powerful solution to this challenge, providing a unique platform for showcasing thought leadership and building lasting relationships with potential clients.
This approach not only counteracts the declining effectiveness of traditional inbound marketing but also creates a distinct brand asset that grows in value over time.
As you evaluate your current marketing strategies, consider how a branded content experience could elevate your firm’s presence in the marketplace. With careful planning, sustained commitment, and a focus on delivering unique, valuable insights, you can create a powerful tool for driving growth and establishing your firm as a true thought leader in your field.